Programme structure


A 4-year PhD programme focused on research in Probability, Stochastic Analysis and Applications.

Information for students starting in September 2024

Year 1 students are expected to complete some taught elements on top of beginning to work on their research project.    

Years 2, 3 and 4 are dedicated to the students' research project, under supervision of the advisor.

Throughout the 4-year period students participate in cohort activities:

 - Monthly CDT seminars/workshops in Oxford and London

Year 1

The year starts with College and Departmental Induction sessions and Welcome events, usually scheduled in week 0 of Michaelmas Term (October).

Students will be required to follow four courses from this list.

Each student picks a research topic and is assigned a supervisor from the Centre's pool of  faculty members and begins working on the supervised research project.

There are end-of-year (December) and end-of-academic-year (June) dinners organised for the CDT students and faculty.  

Year 2

Transfer of Status Milestone

In Michaelmas Term of Year 2, students’ progress on their research project is assessed through a formal exam by two faculty members.

Students are expected to have taught two classes by this point in order to progress. 

Year 4

Confirmation of Status Milestone

In Michaelmas Term of Year 4, students' progress is assessed once more to ensure they are on track to completing their work within the allocated time. 

Students are expected to have taught three further classes by this point in order to progress.